Executive Board
This is a group of men and women elected by the general membership of the church community of St. Peter and Pual Serbian Orthodox Church in Oakville to oversee the busines of all the ministries of the church and for the good of the community. The members of the executive board must be stewards in good standing and ecclesiastically in order.
As of February 2018:
President: Dragan Prostran
First vice president: Dalibor Mrkobrad
Second vice president: Bogdan Abula
Third vice president: Saša Đurđević
Secretary: Mirko Paravinja
Financial Secretary: Jovan Andić
Treasurer: Zoran Ždero
Auditing Board:
President: Milan Vukadin
Member: Glišo Dragičević
Building Committee:
President: Saša Džekić
Members: Stevo Mirković i Nedjo Mihajlović
Executive Board Members: Glišo Radinović i Ratko Jovičić
Vestrymen: Petar Andić, Petar Živković, Petar Milovanović, Saša Đurđević, Ratko Jovičić
Hall Manager: Petar Andić
Contacts - Hall Rental and Other Inquiries
Dragan Prostran Tel: 905.339.9119
Petar Andić Tel: 905.339.7166